Here’s How Much the Amazing Betty White Is Worth on Her 95th Birthday

Betty White is one of the the richest 95-year-olds alive.
The beloved actress, whose full name is Betty Marion White Ludden, was born January 17, 1922, making today her 95th birthday. Her IMDB page is really long, but she's most known her for role as Rose Nylund in Golden Girls. Even at 95, White is still going strong with appearances on shows like NBC’s Crowded and Fox’s Bones.
In 2014, White was awarded the Guinness World Record for "Longest TV Career for an Entertainer (Female)." For White, working for so long has literally paid off.
Betty White’s net worth: $45 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Wow.
That is an impressive number.
Just a couple of weeks ago, a GoFundMe page was created to protect Betty White from 2016. That campaign must've worked since she made it to 2017. Here's to celebrating another birthday, Betty!
Our Money advice to the 95-year-old Betty White: Throw a giant party and spend that money! Our advice to people is to save and make sure your investments are in order and diversified. It's important to have a budget and live below your means so you'll have enough to retire, or maybe even accumulate a million dollars. Well Betty has all that and way, way more. At this age, White can (and should!) spend her hard-earned money and celebrate... not that she needs any help with that.
Now time for us to take some advice from Betty White on how to live a long and healthy life:
“I’m a health nut. My favorite food is hot dogs with French fries. And my exercise: I have a two-story house and a very bad memory, so I’m up and down those stairs,” White told The New York Times in an interview.