Donald Trump May Be Open to Raising the Minimum Wage After All

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday that he is "open to doing something" about the minimum wage.
"I mean you have to something that you can live on," the billionaire businessman said. As The Hill noted, this is a reversal from Trump's earlier statements. During a debate in November, the presumptive GOP nominee said that the minimum wage should remain at it's current level. In another appearance, he said "wages are too high."
This is yet another outlook that sets him apart from many in the Republican party, who overwhelmingly do not support raising the minimum wage. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, and was set in 2009. But activists pushing for a $15 minimum wage in cities across the country have gaining steam, putting the issue at the forefront of the national conversation. State governors in California and New York just signed $15 minimum wage bills into law in April. Several cities, including San Francisco and Seattle, have their own $15 minimum wage laws in place as well.
Read Next: Why a $15-an-Hour National Minimum Wage Won't Happen Anytime Soon
So where do the other candidates stand? Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who supports a national $15 minimum wage without reservation. Hillary Clinton says she will push for a $12 national minimum, but supports cities like New York and Los Angeles that set their own minimum higher than that.
Keeping with the theme of his campaign, Trump also added that he wants American workers to make "much more than the 15 dollars" an hour by "brining our jobs back."