Here's How to Get 12 Free Donuts at Krispy Kreme on Saturday

This Saturday is December 12, or 12/12 if you will. It's what Krispy Kreme calls the "Day of the Dozens."
And what happens on this wonderfully made-up holiday? Well, it's a day when Krispy Kreme customers can get a dozen free donuts—provided they're buying a dozen at the same time.
Krispy Kreme has run similar promotions in the past, but what makes this dozen-donut giveaway special is that it's available via the "World's Tastiest Coupon." Somehow Krispy Kreme created a video of a donut glazing machine in which the streams of glaze double as a coupon barcode. Customers can print the barcode or show the image on a device at any participating Krispy Kreme on Saturday for the buy-one, get-one-free deal.
While the promotion stipulates that the deal involves only original glazed donuts, Krispy Kreme clarified on Facebook that customers can get their choice of assorted donut flavors as well. Below is the video/barcode of donuts being glazed. Warning! It may simultaneously make you go into a deep state of hypnosis and salivate profusely.
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