Great Scott, the DeLorean Is Making a Comeback! (In the Near Future)

For the first time since 1982, the DeLorean--best known as the vehicle turned into a time machine in "Back to the Future"--is going back to the production, according to the Detroit Free Press. Well, sort of.
The company that originally made the DeLoreans—about 9,000 of them—is actually gone, having died a very unique death. Founder John DeLorean attempted to save the company with money from drug trafficking and was exposed on film. He was, however, acquitted because of police entrapment.
Through all this drama the company went bankrupt, and the name was eventually purchased by a Texas-based company that has been refurbishing the models for year. The company that now uses the name "DeLorean Motor Company" is taking up the production line once more to make 300 new replicas of the original 1982 DeLorean, and plans to sell each for around $100,000 next year. Refurbished DeLoreans can often be found for around half that.
If you're worried that the new cars will look different, fear not: Since the old cars were so ahead of their time, there is apparently no need for a design update.